Intention intensified

Drowning in debt and liabilities can rob you of enjoyment of any kind because of constant focus on the balance in the bank account.

I feel compelled to tell you my story. Debt, down trodden, I was royally pissed off.

It was early 2013 and I was fed up.

I wasn’t the only one.

But it seemed I was the only one who was prepared to do anything about it.

In the universal world of manifesting, accomplishing a desire can seem like a lifetime achievement. Many of us learn to play this magnificent diversion with integrity, trust and patience, but I believe if you’re going to ‘play’ at all you must bring love, honesty and forgiving to the table together with a knowing that all is well. And it truly will be.

With a rude, new attitude, I had no idea what was in store for me and I remember thinking I’m already at the bottom of the pit, how does it get better than this? I also knew in my heart of hearts that this was the year that was going to bring about an immense change.

I remember well the morning in mid January that swept us rapidly over the tides of adversity. Another sleepless night filled with tribulation had swallowed us and as I saw it, we were financially in a very dark place. Over ½ a million in debt, thirty thousand dollars on a gold credit card and four thousand on a visa card plus a dental bill of a further three thousand and we had no idea how to get rid of this insidious liability.

We had made as many hardship phone calls as we had breathed sighs that we had made it through another week but we were being drawn further down the darkest hole. While we were only able to pay the interest we were not chipping away at the principal on our mortgage.

We were working long hours, our self esteem had descended into the depths of a living hell and our home was now on the market but even that sale seemed like a distant impossibility.

My phone rang a little after 8.30am one Saturday morning and while I listened, I knew instinctively I was being rescued. Would I work as a book keeper at the local motel? You bet your life I would.

I had no idea a heart could smile.

So began the steady downward spiral in a very constructive way. I decided to pay off the visa card of $4000 first together with the dental bill of almost $3000 and then I would begin honing the gold credit card.

I had no idea how I was going to do this but I knew it would take place. I was gripped by a determination that although familiar to me, had been strengthened with a ‘never-again-is-this-going-to-claim-my-life’ attitude. I had been robbed of some of the most precious moments of happiness and I was damned if it was going to continue.

While I wished the financial conclusion would happen yesterday, I was already visualising my credit card in credit. Each day I would look at the month’s statement and see $150 in credit. I even whited out the $4000 balance owing and penned in ‘cr’ credit $150. I had no idea when this would occur, but I saw it in my mind’s eye with such clarity that not once did I question the when but believed and trusted it would come to be. That trust was immense.

I began to notice small windows of encouragement on the statement and by August, the flow had picked up momentum. I was literally feeling it. Emotionally I was soaring whilst offering gratitude every day.

By end of September I had paid off the dental bill and envisioned the credit card in credit by November.

Filled with gratitude, I nodded ascent and instinctively knew I was on the right road. I had experienced utter bliss, trust, instinctive knowledge and abundance throughout the past thirty years of my life. I would capture all of that through memory and emotion and set it on fire.

It was beginning December 2013. I finally had a $200 credit on the visa card. I had done it! Now I was cruising at a hundred and ten and smiling like the cat that had eaten the last canary.I began chipping away at the next debt.

Then suddenly, as if over night, the motel work dried up. The business was being sold and I was no longer required. On the way home that evening, it occurred to me that the Universe had kept its end of the bargain. I had asked to pay off the visa card and the dental bill at the very least, and I had. I was eternally grateful to have come thus far. I still had work and in my heart of hearts I knew we would be able to cope with the rest of the bills. We had to.

A serious offer on the house was made and as much as I resented having to give it up, I knew the Universe was offering us something better. We had to row with the tide if we were going to release this worry. Although Christmas would be a no go zone for us as far as gifts were concerned, we were happy to celebrate our fortunate future.

In March 2014, we moved. We paid off and literally destroyed the $30 thousand dollar credit card. Instead of a half million dollar mortgage were now carrying just a ¼ of that. Having manifested a two story home in rural Queensland on five acres, we knew we would do the restoration work needed to improve it and bring it into our customary scope of living.

Already, the mortgage in twelve months is showing a healthy decline which encouraged us to grind the wheels just a little longer.

I was amazed to see how money was now flowing to and through us. So true for once was the lesson I had been taught, that when we horde we stem the flow but when we spend thus employing another, thus helping someone else, so that money returns to us so that we can repeat the whole process over again.

We are able to purchase groceries without a second thought. Our smiles are genuine and our hearts are full.

Baby steps have become leaps of faith in the truest sense of the word.

Intuition has always played a huge part in my life. I knew at ten what it was and how to treat it just as I know now what it is and how I have sometimes chosen to ignore it. Having come through what I consider the very darkest days of my life I realised that I had earned my place on this earth realm alongside the strongest life force that flows with me. My intuition.

It guides me while my ego swears at me and shakes me to the core but my intuition laughs at me and embraces me with its worldly assurance that all truly is well. The funny thing is that it is.

The resentment I had over the sale of the house has dissolved and I am grateful for the determination and tenacity I possess. Through feeling the strength in my focus of thought, I am realising more dreams than I ever imagined were possible.

We had fallen into deep holes and climbed right out again, learned lessons that have left us breathless and better people for them and it gives me great satisfaction to let others know that the road of adversity is a temporary journey.

When you feel you see nothing but darkness, with love, determination and temerity you can emerge with a new lease on life. You’ll find overwhelming peace as you surface from shadows you believed would drown you.

I need to take my world once again to the next level and I want to make everyone understand that if I can do it then there is absolutely nothing stopping anyone from doing what they wanted to do be and have.abundance of love, trust, happiness, bliss and tranquillity is ours for the taking and the giving; and as we now accept it the Universe knowingly smiles. We just needed a moment to find the light switch.

About Judy Rofe

I live on a slice of tropical paradise on the east coast of Australia where I get to freelance. I'm a content writer, a typical Australian with a passion for life who adores animals and people. Not necessarily in that order. I guess that's where the magic is. I'm fortunate to love what I do and I do what I love. I'm a Libran (messy/complicated/peaceful) and love spending time on the beach with my border collies when I'm not working, to find my ground. On the acreage, I'm interacting with the wildlife, writing lyrics, gardening with the lorikeets or just sitting with the kangaroos. It's what I choose that makes my life one of design rather than default. How does it get any better than this? Having chosen my career as a freelance writer I've ghost written two books, written an eBook and have dreams and goals I am achieving. I write my own as well as other company's blogs and my inner beliefs are a reflection of my values and all I cherish in my life. People fascinate me; particularly those who enter my realm and just as quickly leave it or who choose to stay and chat awhile. I've come to realise positivity does not attract negativity. In fact, negativity despises the happy, carefree soul. It's almost as though the lights are just too bright. My lights are always on :-)
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