When Difficult & Negative People Have Brought You To The Brink of … Return

~Some people are so fond of ill-luck that they run half-way to meet it. ~Douglas Jerrold
Of the seven billion people inhabiting the globe I believe I am living with the most negative, difficult, obnoxious person ever created.

If I’m not silently wondering ‘What is it that seduces you into your sad, negative and obnoxious world?’ I’m fighting down the impulse to rattle your internal cage and demand you appreciate your gift … of choice!

You may not be aware, but you have been awarded a plethora of them.

I can’t seem to buy you the right shirt, the right wrench, the right coffee, the right timing belt for the … but you asked me to go buy it. You had a choice to go and buy it yourself. You chose instead to send me.

Your cynicism appears to have taken up permanent residence.

Even the meal I served to you was not up to scratch because, ‘Why didn’t you make Béarnaise Sauce instead of gravy to pour over the steak?’

‘Well, I guess because the other night when I set the mustard on the table you preferred gravy.’

For Pete’s Sake could you just appreciate something at least?
Go make your own gravy.

I can’t win!

And then I figure, I don’t have to. Winning is not what this game of life is about. Life is about finding that pocket of happiness. And I have.

So, why do I even give a rip?

Because after the sting has left your thoughtless tirade and the tumult has died down and the surface is glassy again, I find empathy bubbling up from somewhere inside.

And I begin again, wondering how you can possibly live with all that negativity. Surely no self respecting negativity germ can live in all that pessimism.

Why can’t you actively locate your ‘Smile Button’? It’s got to be there somewhere. You must have one. Everyone does.

I try to imagine people I meet bearing a smile. I try to imagine frown-less people. I try to imagine a populace with apple-pink cheeks and bright, happy eyes; rather like the Eskimos who happily inhabit the coldest places on earth.

I try to imagine a world brimming with up turned mouths. I imagine only a smattering out of seven billion.

Then logic kicks in.

If everyone wore the same curve, one that depicts a smile, the population would be boring with a capital B.

But we as human beings are the only creatures on earth who were bestowed the power to choose. We have the power to be anything we want to be. We are positively wired; we just need to plug ourselves in.

We can choose to be happy. We can even smile! If we choose to.

So how do I handle a negative, obnoxious, ungrateful and difficult person like you?

I have to remind myself that it’s not about me. That spitfire you are is but a shadow of your truth.

When the surface is ripple-less you relax. You grow quiet, thoughtful. When you speak you still spit but not as cruelly.

You rarely smile but you’re closer to yourself than you have been in a very long while. But your higher self is still awaiting your arrival. I guess it has been for some time now. Some years in fact. It has so much to show you.

You have a choice to be the real you. To learn from you. To listen and to care and appreciate who you are. Therein lies the fundamental step to becoming eternally happy.

That negative attitude you nurture is surely an irritation. It’s got to be like a burr under your spirit.

Now, I must ask. Are you so unhappy with your life that you feel you need to bring others down with you?

No, of course not! How could I ask such a thing?

I’m always looking for the easy alternative with all this stuff. There I go again. Talking about it, about the crap.

Pissing people off with talk about ‘The Power of Positive Thinking’! And what’s that other thing I bang on about …? The Law of Attraction. Yes that stuff.

I know the rubbish you write about. I’ve even seen people hang on your every word and float away as though you just handed them an epiphany.

Wow, you really are very negative … aren’t you?

I can instinctively tell you’re thinking about what makes my world so colourful. Though you would never admit it.

And I am reminded that Like attracts Like. Negativity attracts negativity. And when a situation is faced with positive, soft spoken voices and a respectful smile, negativity makes a B-line for the nearest exit.

I am also reminded that if I allow my ego to take precedence over a situation, then I must prepare to feel the discomfort of a discontented soul. That is not my choice.

Landing back at logic, I find myself gazing at the ‘gifts’ we were given. Particularly those that keep us buoyed.

I see you awaiting my response.

I see no need to feed your negativity therefore I choose to ignore the flavour in your voice as you accuse, and abuse me of another of your imagined misdemeanors.

Negative people suck the energy out of others. If others let them.
I refuse to be a sucker or a suckee.

Deeply unhappy people have a knack of dragging other people into their realm. I am aware my emotional parachute has now been repaired and although I feel compassion, I will not allow myself to free fall with you.

I do not apologise for this decision.

I am aware I feel grateful I have met you.

It is time to move on.

I wish you awareness; for you can be anything, do anything and have anything you desire. All you need is a mindset, one that has all the positives attached.

I know … there I go again.

p.s. A smile looks great on you.
~ If you have nothing to be grateful for check your pulse. ~ Author Unknown

About Judy Rofe

I live on a slice of tropical paradise on the east coast of Australia where I get to freelance. I'm a content writer, a typical Australian with a passion for life who adores animals and people. Not necessarily in that order. I guess that's where the magic is. I'm fortunate to love what I do and I do what I love. I'm a Libran (messy/complicated/peaceful) and love spending time on the beach with my border collies when I'm not working, to find my ground. On the acreage, I'm interacting with the wildlife, writing lyrics, gardening with the lorikeets or just sitting with the kangaroos. It's what I choose that makes my life one of design rather than default. How does it get any better than this? Having chosen my career as a freelance writer I've ghost written two books, written an eBook and have dreams and goals I am achieving. I write my own as well as other company's blogs and my inner beliefs are a reflection of my values and all I cherish in my life. People fascinate me; particularly those who enter my realm and just as quickly leave it or who choose to stay and chat awhile. I've come to realise positivity does not attract negativity. In fact, negativity despises the happy, carefree soul. It's almost as though the lights are just too bright. My lights are always on :-)
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