How to Get Your Desires to Coincide With Your Beliefs

We’ve all been frustrated in our lives at one point or another; particularly when something just doesn’t appear or manifest in our life experience. blue-butterfly

We’ve thrown ourselves headlong into the Law of Attraction searching endlessly for the secret sauce and surfacing with nothing much more than what we’ve already learned.

The countless books we’ve read as we explored each page for new possibilities that might afford us a new road to travel on our never ending quest to experience our most intimate desire, have been shelved.

Where to go next?

It’s all about the Law of Attraction isn’t it?

Attraction broken down into increments spells Action and that word has been shouted at us from the highest mountains on You Tube down to where the seas conceal the ocean floor.

Taking action is what brings on manifestation. But I’m left asking how much action do I need to take and how long do I need to wait until I am happily smiling as I emotionally embrace what I wished for?

I’ve mustered all the emotional energy I can into my gratitude. I’ve taken every reasonable step to ensure my wishes are clear, knowing the Universe enjoys clarity and I’ve focused upon my dream and yet, I’m still left wondering when I can expect delivery.

Like a Supersonic Boom

My subconscious mind is my emotional mind; therefore my inner beliefs are a thousand fold more powerful than my desires.

I can ask for wealth and riches and abundance every day of my life and still never see its manifestation.


Because the vibration I’m sending out is not in alignment with what I want!

Everything we look at, hear and touch is in constant motion. wave-64170__180


The chair I am sitting on, the keyboard I am using to convey these words, the desk, my screen, the floor boards, the concrete slab beneath me … it is all moving. Nothing on this planet is idle.

While everything is vibrating so each level of its vibration differs in capacity. Vibration is measured in frequencies; the higher the frequency the stronger the force.

Our thoughts are one of the highest forms of vibration.

Amplify the Vibration

You have the power to choose positive over negative thoughts or vise versa. That being said, whatever you choose will vibrate with other like-minded thoughts.

As soon as you’ve chosen to think a particular thought your brain cells kick into motion and bring upon similar thoughts to partner with the original ones.

When you focus or concentrate on a particular thought you not only imbue it with several thousand watts of emotion but you send its vibrational frequency with a potent amplification into the ether. The Universe can’t help but hear your request!

Hold a thought or a vision in your mind and you’ve got the recipe to manifest it as the vibrational frequency tunes into a harmonic sequence. In other words, your thoughts are carrying the resonance of all the vibrations necessary to manifest what you want.

By focusing on that vision, you’re attracting the energy of those particles that make up the image of your desire and as they move toward you, you are moving toward them. Both ends of the manifestation must meet. It is law.

So everything you taste, touch, hear, see and smell is in vibration mode. Every person is in constant motion. Now, if you step into his realm, which essentially is not something a human being enjoys having done to him, you will be affected by his vibration.

It is the same as if you were to walk along a sandy beach and as you walked you listened to the whisper of the waves on the shore. You would derive peace and harmony because the peace and harmony is in the vibration of the sand, the water and the location and you.

The Brain Resonates with Vibration

If you walk into a room and become instantly aware of negative vibes, you are going to do one of two things. You’ll turn around and walk right out again or you’ll stay and hinge on the negativity, drink it in and become negative yourself.

But you want to manifest good stuff, happy stuff into your life and being able to understand the Law of Vibration is your next step.

Energy is not created and it cannot be destroyed. Therefore everything you have ever wanted since the beginning of your time is already here. Choosing the thoughts that will set you favourably on your manifesting road is a matter of vibrational matches.

What You Want, Wants You therefore it’s already Yours

Finding gratitude from within, with all the colourful emotions you can conjure will put your thoughts into a balanced vibration with that which you want.

There are many lives in chaotic vibration. Not able to make up their mind, some people shift from a thought of abundance to a thought of lack. One minute attractingflowers-74889__180 some pretty gorgeous stuff into their lives only to have it execute a U-turn and bring about lack.

So it stands to Universal Reason that if you insist on vacillating between abundance and lack that is exactly what you’re going to produce. An inconsistent ebb and flow and because it is you who determines your life’s destiny through your thought patterns, there is no one else to blame.

You are always, always magnetising something into your realm just as that something is attracting you into its own space. Through the vibrations you send out, you get exactly what you ordered, no exceptions.

Make your wishes come true by being in harmony with your vibrational request and vibrate similarly to that which you want to bring into your life experience.

Good, Good, Good, Good Vibrations.

Posted in ability, abundance, achieve, be true to yourself, better times, choices, clarity, create more, dream, fulfilment, limiting beliefs, personal experience, Resonate, success, thought tracks, Uncategorized, wealth, you deserve to be successful | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

How to Hear the Messages The Angels are Whispering to You

Do you hear the messages the Angels are whispering to You?

It is true not everyone hears the voices of their Angels in the conventional way.

We’re all different but we each have the ability to receive and heed the messages of our Angels who guard us like their own.

Some of us feel the messages deep within our emotional pipeline, others like me, ‘hear’ their whispers through an unshakable knowing and still others through a vision.

Any loving whispers you pick up inside or outside your mind is a whisper from an Angel and if you didn’t quite ascertain the message, just ask them to repeat their words a little louder.

They are always thrilled to receive an indication you’ve heard them and will do everything in their power to satisfy your request as they guide you day after day.

The Voice of your Ego

Ego on the other hand is intrusive and loud. Ego is the voice that tells you on any day that you are a fool and reminds you how many times you failed.

Ego can also be the perfect narcissist, a vain, self fulfilled “It’s all about Me!” voice that constitutes a personality that will become very lonely indeed. Not to mention the life of chaos it will easily create.

Angel saviour  I prefer to listen to the Angels; to perceive their messages as letters of love and guidance. Even when I’m headed toward temporary adversity, the voice I hear is gentle.

Whilst everything in the Universe is made up of energy, including you and me, this is how we experience our lives.

We create through the energy of attraction. Like a magnet, love attracts love, like attracts like, fear attracts fear, anger attracts anger and complaints attract more to complain about. The Angels never miss a beat for they are constantly delivering our desires.

Want and Need are two different Energies

We tend to forget that what we think we want and what we need are two completely different energies.

What we want comes from ‘outside’ ourselves.

It comes from an attitude of lack and reluctantly we give in to impatience, frustration and just plain annoyance because we haven’t got ‘it’.

If we could learn to let go of this ‘need’ to have, it would flow into our lives as quickly as the incoming tide meets the shore.

What we need is to allow our soul to talk to us. Through our soul, the Angel’s voice is heard. This voice is filled with infinite love and intense wisdom.

Imbued in this voice is the true essence of who we are. When we listen and act upon this voice, this gut feeling, this intuition, we will discover happiness, bliss and profound peace.

Angels don’t perceive ‘time’ however. The messages we receive, be it a message of abundance, manifestation or new beginnings or even death are perceived in a time frame for our mortal purposes, of about six months.

Messages of Impending Death should be Celebrated

A message of impending death is not a physical death but rather the death of archaic thoughts or obsolete belief systems that have limited or prevented you from moving forward.

Should you receive a message about an end to something, this usually means that something that no longer serves you will be removed from your life.

These messages are to be celebrated because it can be difficult to let go of something familiar and comfortable but it is essential that you allow the ‘old’ part of you to die gracefully so that ‘new’ experiences can enter your life.

Every step of the way is progress and every progress is your journey

Perseverance coupled with determination is the recipe to manifesting.

Your efforts, determination and your resolve have shown the Universe that you intend to score and touchdown and that your intentions are boundless.

Whatever it is you yearn for, have dreamt of having in your life and worked towards, the Angels and the Universe have heard you. Whatever it is will manifest through the smallest steps you’ve taken to attain it.

Those steps are never as futile as you think they are.

Imagine not enjoying the journey on the way to attaining something you’ve wanted. Imagine that once received, that which you desired did not hold the same value to you. That it is worthless and unworthy.

It is the journey that becomes the jewel in your crown and when your desire is reached, it is infused with a value unsurpassed.

Remember that although you may be undervaluing yourself, you are so unique and so much more. What you are portraying to the world and to the people around you is only a tenth of who you truly are.

If you could only see all the love, all the beauty and all the light that you emit, your self worth would be executing back flips and cart wheels.

You are a being of light and love.

You possess wonderful qualities and from this moment forward you will honour yourself in all you are and all you do.

You are worthy of everything the Universe has to offer and as you begin to value who you are you’ll find that others will begin to value you as well.

Can you hear the Angels applauding your new awareness?






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How to Experience Natural Euphoria like Never Before

We chase a feel good continuity.

We consciously and unconsciously seek the maximum bliss life can offer and as we discover something we enjoy, so we hit the ‘pleasure’ button and our body releases dopamine.

Dopamine is the brain’s pleasure chemical.

In brief, Dopamine is in and of itself a jack of all trades. It aids the flow of blood throughout our arteries, regulates our movements and adjusts our eating habits and while it’s doing all this and taking care of our behaviour, it provides the regulation of our thought tracks, our logic and understanding.

Dopamine performs its task before we attain our deserved rewards. But its real duty is to encourage us to take action and as we do, it motivates us to achieve more pleasurable results. Of course, there’s a lot more on Dopamine’s plate than is accountable here.

So what happens when our brain’s pleasure chemical button is not pressed often enough?
Some people seek alternatives which are often manufactured pleasure buttons or what is more commonly known as drugs.

Dope. Speed. Coke. Crack. Smack. Acid. Hooch. Ice or Crystal Meth.

All of the above has been around for decades, even meth which in the 1930’s was marketed as Benzedrine that aided in the treatment of congestion. It is still legally produced in the U.S. and sold under the trade name Desoxyn.

“It was shortly after methamphetamine started being used for legitimate, medical reasons that its euphoric side effects were noticed, leading to methamphetamine addiction.”

But it is one of the most insidious drugs known to man.

So what’s in Meth Amphetamine?


It’s a lethal injection.

Meth contains:
Acetone – Nail Polish Remover or Paint Thinner
Lithium – In Batteries ~ Lithium burns the skin on contact
Toluene – Fuel derivative used in brake fluid – solvent
Hydrochloric Acid – Found naturally in gastric (stomach) acid
Pseudoephedrine – A decongestant found in cough medicine
Red Phosphorus – Shaved strips off match boxes
Sodium Hydroxide – Lye or caustic soda
Sulphuric Acid – Sulphur Dioxide – oily, dense, corrosive liquid
Anhydrous Ammonia – (Azane) nitrogen and hydrogen compound ~ (smells like cat urine).

It is either smoked or injected into the circulatory system and consequently into the brain.

Women use it as a way to lose weight unaware it is only a temporary measure.

The first hit of crystal meth causes a flood of dopamine, the “feel-good” neurotransmitter, to be released in the brain and the results are an explosive, concentrated and very pleasurable “high.”

But unlike many drugs, crystal meth takes a hold of its user and does not easily let go. Meth is not something one can simply “try once” and forget. Crystal meth has a particularly clever way of hooking users almost immediately.


Meth’s effect on the brain and mood is almost instant. It is a rush of dopamine and then an immediate ebb that results in a devastating “crash” that causes extreme anxiety, fatigue, depression and even paranoia.

As with any other drug, the effect is lessened by the immunity the body gains through continual use. However with crystal meth it is a game of never give up on the chase. As the body’s tolerance increases it requires more and more of the drug to achieve the same effect. Behavioural patterns are altered to the degree that the person is not the same and will not be again.

It is mind blowing to note that your body slowly stops producing dopamine on its own when you use crystal meth. To give you an idea, Parkinson’s disease, a degenerative condition causing tremor and motor impairment, is caused by a loss of dopamine-secreting neurons. Crystal meth also impedes your body’s ability to heal.

Skin: Crystal meth can cause hallucinations so that you think bugs are crawling under your skin. You may even begin to “scratch at your skin to pick them out.”

Teeth: Generally, you lose them all.

Weight loss and gain: Crystal meth will speed up your metabolism and reduce hunger so you may be able to lose weight quickly, but it’s a temporary weight loss that you will regain and more.

Pregnancy: If you use crystal meth while you’re pregnant, your baby is using it too. The drug is easily transmitted to your unborn child through the placenta, so that after your addicted “Meth Baby” is born it has to undergo withdrawal treatment. Similarly, if you are breastfeeding and using, your child is also “taking” crystal meth and may be addicted.

Your baby has no choice!
But You have the power of choice.

You cannot blame peer group pressure or outside influence for your addiction. Far and away the best cure is prevention. And frankly, temporary happiness versus natural euphoria should not be a consideration.



So what is involved in the pursuit of naturally evoked happiness? Certainly not manifesting a manufactured, artificial kind of temporary fix that will eventually render you broken and unable to clearly communicate or function.

Euphoria, happiness, bliss all comes from Gratitude.

Gratitude! Being grateful that you are happy in this moment.

Being grateful knowing you don’t need meth to maintain euphoria.

Being grateful that you have Enough.

Being grateful that your mind is at peace.

Being grateful that your body is healthy.

Being grateful that you are doing everything you were brought here to do.

Being grateful that your eyes can see, your ears can hear, your legs can walk and your mouth can smile without the aid of substances that are so foreign not even Mother Earth has room for it.

Being grateful that if you are indeed in need of help, knowing you’re not alone, that help is available to you.

Being grateful that you and only you have the power to make a choice to get yourself well, because without you, without the will you have inside that is busting every wall to get out, you can only go one way. And you’re on the way.

Being grateful that your soul sees what you’re doing and it is calling out to you with love in its eyes to leave that life that does not serve you, behind.

Being grateful that you have every opportunity to give yourself the gift of health and happiness in its truest, rawest form.

Being grateful just knowing that what you’re grateful for is returned to you again and again and again.

Become the grateful soul you were before you chose to join the peer group. Become grateful for the recognition that you and only you have the power to regain what you deserve to have and know there is someone out there encouraging you to run toward a happy, healthy, exuberant and naturally euphoric future.

You have the power. Use it.

If you are addicted to crystal meth, help is available and real recovery is possible. There are 12-step groups.
There’s also the Australian Drug Information Network, which provides comprehensive information about drugs, their effects and where to get help.

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What kind of Results can You expect to get from feeling Grateful?

G.K. Chesterton ~ ‘You say grace before meals. All right. But I say grace before the concert and the opera, and grace before the play and pantomime, and grace before I open a book, and grace before sketching, painting, swimming, fencing, boxing, walking, playing, dancing and grace before I dip the pen in the ink.’

Gratitude … I used to wonder what it really meant.

Other than appreciation for something that was either offered or just plain given, what did gratitude do for a person when it was felt from the heart?

So I tried it on and I discovered something so mystical, so wonderful, it almost took away my breath. The benefits of gratitude would change my life for the rest of my days and the change in itself was unbelievably simple to kick off.

And there began a new discovery that would kind of trickle into every day and with it bring infinite thanks that would inject me further into a realm of self made bliss.

It appeared that with heartfelt gratitude I could increase my joy, contentment and satisfaction and experience more of the same in my day with just a thank you.

With An Attitude of Gratitude …

You get to improve your overall health and well being plus you give your productivity a well earned boost that in turn increases your self confidence. Add the attraction of fulfilling relationships and you’ve got the recipe for a life experience that you wouldn’t trade for all the tea in China.

But it doesn’t end there. Gratitude delivers fulfilment and empties the heart of envy. Suddenly it appears there’s no such thing as resentment, spite or jealousy. Suspicion and distrust take a back seat and even bitterness no longer has a part to play.

Instead, upon the stage of your life you feel as though people who are drawn to you are of a kindred spirit and your friendships take on a deeper meaning.

You find that the most valued but seemingly forgotten goals are being fulfilled whilst your career or work and life balance have more meaning. You find enjoyment in most of all you do and your health is aiming for the best it can be. Suddenly you feel as though you have more to offer as your energy soars.

Since our main aim in life is to be happy, being grateful can take you to the pinnacle of happiness inside of six minutes.

Indeed it’s that quick. So how do you get there?

A gratitude Journal documents what’s truly in your heart …

When you write down just three things you’re grateful for you’ll notice a difference in your day to day operations. You’ll feel new patience with people and you’ll be nicer to know. Your relationships with others will become more trusting and satisfying and as you feel appreciation you’ll notice how deeply your relationship with your partner immensely improves.

Imagine how just being grateful your memories will become. They’ll be happier to recall and regret won’t even have a place to sit!

Gratitude reduces the desire for material things …

Overwhelming desire can have a devastating effect on our lives.

Imagine a lack of lack … Imagine how suddenly you’ve got more health, more happiness, more patience, more money, more satisfaction, more harmony, more health and energy. Imagine being able to just be.

Imagine experiencing your life as you were designed to experience it … without all the ‘Why can’t I have …? and ‘Why am I always broke? thoughts that tend to take up residence in your head.’

How does one go about acquiring a lack of lack?

When you can write down in your Gratitude Journal three different things you’re grateful for every day, you’re in for a journey that will have you skidding on the razor edge of bliss.

It takes five minutes to write your gratitude and it takes only an instant to have that gratitude returned to you.

Feel gratitude from your heart and you’re in for more to be grateful for then lo and behold, it becomes a habit.

I can’t imagine my life without a gratitude journal. It’s a daily practice and it’s a little note book, no bigger than a stamp. Well maybe just a wee bit, but it’s nothing grand. Just a few lines to write on and away I go and the rewards are amazing.

Lose weight through gratitude …

Gratitude brings mountains of energy into a thankful body and that energy has to go somewhere so it is converted into a desire to exercise. I get to go to the beach with my dogs each day and the gratitude I feel whilst there is immense.

I walk along with my eyes darting in wonder from the blue water to the white sand and the trees that line the beach and I say ‘Thank You’ out loud.

I pick up a gorgeous sea shell and I say ‘Thank You’ out loud.

I’m walking, bending, breathing and smiling and all of this contributes to the well being of my body.

Gratitude is energy in and of itself so it stands to reason it’s going to overflow into you as you practice your appreciation for all those little things in your life.

Losing weight because you feel grateful? How does it get better than that?

Like a snow ball that gathers momentum as it journeys down a hill, gratitude collects the true benefits along the way.

You can incorporate  …

Spirituality, longevity, friends to share your leisure, a deeper understanding of yourself and others, well being, energy, self esteem, goal achievement and self management improvement as you make wiser decisions, wonderful relationships, less negativity and more positive thoughts that will enter your mind thus bringing you more of the same.

What you give out, you get back. Feeling grateful for the smallest, seemingly insignificant thing results in huge rewards.

Gratitude comes as a simple emotion through an overwhelmed heart and there will be days when overwhelm will steal the taste of your tears but the bliss you’ll feel will be well worth the journey.

Saying Thank You will have you walking on air with a smile that comes from a genuine heart.

All it takes is five minutes of your time each day.

Rewards ~ cheap at any price.

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How To Plan Your Dream and Live Your Life By Design

How do you choose your passion so that you can live your life by design?


I mean, life’s all about living happily at least most of the time, if not ever after. Ever after belongs in children’s books so I won’t delude myself with it because without adversities, how could one possibly grow?

So we set out to design our life. Designing our life is a step by step adventure and it begins with one question.

What do I love?

There’s got to be more in life than just bounding out of bed each day filled with intentions to enjoy those rare moments whilst doing a job I absolutely detest. So I ask what do I love and is my dream worthy of me?

While bearing in mind that I have enough and I am very grateful I have enough; I remain grateful I breathe and I’m free and happy – most of the time. But I need also to ask ‘what’s missing?’

I don’t need to write down the pros and cons of my life, nor do I need to analyze why I am where I am, and why I am surrounded by what I have and how I feel. To me, that’s too complicated and I don’t need to confuse the forces of the Universe.

So I relax and I allow my thoughts to wander as I am aware my subconscious mind will take me where I need to go. I’m on a mission. I’m about to find out what I am truly passionate about.

Specificity ~ Getting Clear on what You Want

Since I am going to have a life anyway, I imagine I am vital and energetic. I am worthy of my thoughts, my dreams and my state of emotions. I am active and passionately working and I have an innate knowing that when I am passionate about a thing in my life my days are so much more complete and there is much less wasted time.

I think quietly and allow myself to dream.

I have just opened the doors to something amazing. I need only to allow it in because I now know what I don’t want so I can focus on what I do want.

Not every moment in every day is going to be perfect and when those moments arrive, when things aren’t right, I set up a declaration. I ask myself, ‘What is the Silver Lining? And ‘How does it get any better than this?’

The magic comes when the Universe hears my questions and I delineate the original moment. It turns away my focus on what wasn’t right.

This is the time when new ideas occur. I’m conscious of the fact that I’m not going to put up with this imperfect moment that has darkened my day. I declare, ‘I Am!’ Two very powerful words that shout to the Universe. I am serious. I am here for a purpose and I want to live that purpose as happily and as completely as I can.

I refuse to be in a negative place. Negativity closes those doors I opened only a moment ago; now some are even locked. I need to step back and look at how I feel emotionally. I am aware I have the power to choose how I feel and as I opt to feel lighter, I allow my imagination to surround me with more open doors.

I am also aware that any suffering is self generated therefore any thoughts about what is occurring outside my realm will have something to do with my past or my future; not the Now moment I prefer to be living in. You see, here in the Now, I have control.

So if I feel I’m entering a dark place I remind myself that all results are proportionate to my awareness. I learn to notice my thoughts and if they’re entering darkness, I turn them around. I learn to see less lack and more of enough and while I am grasping my dream, I know that familiarity has the power to pull me back into my reassured realm.

I want to move forward. I want to take the first step.

What If I fail? Oh My Darling, What If You Fly?

I’m fearful. I don’t feel comfortable in the unfamiliar. In fact, I’m close to slamming all the doors on the way back to my comfort zone. You see, I’m safe there.

Yet I have a dominant desire to succeed. I need to leave this familiarity and gather trust as I take a step into the unknown. My first one is wobbly but I hear Van Gogh’s words. ‘I dream my painting and then I paint my dream.’

So what will it take for me to move forward?

I still feel the tentacles of fear and fear will rob me of my will if I don’t step off the edge of the known. It is then I recite my most favourite quote in the world; “When you walk to the edge of all the light you have and take that first step into the darkness of the unknown, you must believe that one of two things will happen. There will be something solid for you to stand upon or you will be taught to fly.” ~ Patrick Overton

But what if I fail?


Failing is an essential element of winning. It is also the starting block of temerity and determination.

Damn it! I’m not going to let failure beat me. And as sure as I sit here, I know it won’t. I will succeed.

The Road Ahead Is Clear

What do I love?

What does it look like?

What will it take to make it happen?

How clear is my vision?

And as I ask myself these new questions, I know I need to be specific. I need to have clarity in my vision and I need also to spend time in that energy on a daily basis. I am very sensitive to the realisation that this is not a difficult task for I have the freedom to choose, to visualise and to dream.

I know also that I can do anything with whatever I have from wherever I am.

But … what if, when I want something so badly it still doesn’t come to me?

In that case, I want it too much. When this occurs, I create a kind of psychic force field around myself. One magnet will attract, two magnets will repel.

For instance; I need assistance so I calmly ask someone to help me and usually, they’re happy to do so. But if I appear desperate to have something, to fulfill a wild desire, that person will find an excuse to leave me to my own devices because that kind of desperation is very unappealing.

I still need to care about my desire, but not that much.

I allow my thoughts to shape and create my passions while I allow the Universe to move the mountains. I maintain my dream with progressive steps toward my desired result and as I visualise my new beginnings, I know beyond all doubt that I am on my way to experiencing a life that I have designed; not a life of default.

All this comes from being specific. It comes from knowing what I want and how I want to live my life. When I visualise I am clear on every single detail. When I am grateful, I am so before the event occurs.

I quit wanting something so badly that I get desperate and dejected and disappointed. I remain desirous but not that much.

Then as my desire arrives I smile because I held an unshakable belief that it would come. My patience is my ally.

Therein lay the secrets to living a life of design.

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If I’m An Unstoppable Free Spirit, Is It Time to Go Home?

~ It’s time. Come. You’re dead. It’s time to go Home.~

I received a small booklet yesterday.

It was in the mail box; obviously dropped off moments before. It smelled of new paper. Felled trees.

It was several pages thick. Colourful text burdened pages, that as I flicked through them and looked at the cover and read Seventh Day Adventist, I felt the density in my fingers and knew I had no intention of reading it. The booklet was heading straight into the recycle bin.

I thought of the trees I was recycling.

Then inner resentment kicked in.

Don’t ever dare try to convert me Seventh Day Adventist, Jehovah’s Witness and whoever else feels tempted to traipse past my front gate. I am not of your cult, your belief, or your world, if I need to be so crude.

Leave me to live my life and damn you for trespassing further … which you must have done as your forefathers had before you.

I had been out. Minding my own and my dogs were in minding theirs. You may have been advised via your instinct or as I like to refer to it, your gut feeling, to leave as soon as possible as they barked and warned … ‘You’re on private property. You’re strangers, not welcome in our lives.’

I imagined the dog’s friendly warning as I headed for the bin and tossed in the unread booklet that before it hit the bottom, made me notice a fleeting something about ‘The end of the World’ on the front cover. Hadn’t the same thing been written by some Jehovah’s Witness? Fifteen times before?


I duly heard the thud of the booklet echo and walked away somewhat annoyed that there will always be a pocket full of people who are desperate to have you encompassed in their fold, who enjoy trying to put the fear of God into someone who has their own beliefs.

I’m a Buddhist.

I am spiritual and furthermore, an enhanced, very free spirit who believes that when it is time to go Home, (to transition, to die, to cross over, whatever term you prefer to use) I’ll do so with no fear; only with prevailing anticipation.

I dismissed the buzz word on the lips of the Jehovah’s Witnesses who tried to visit and claimed that the world is heading toward an Apocalypse!
Happily, I’ve moved on from my then home and I was beginning to feel, while those people were absent in my life, as though I was living in peace and within a ‘Live and Let Live community.

End 1

‘No! You must listen! The end of the world is almost upon us … sign up with those of us who know the way … become one of us … be safe or God will cast you into Hell … it’s an Apocalypse … it’s the end of the world and it’s close. Heed what we say!’ Holy hell, they were everywhere!

Now they’re here!

Apocalypse by the way ~ translated literally from Greek, is a confession. It is a hidden knowledge exposed; a secret revealed; a revelation. In religious contexts it is usually a confession of something hidden.

That hardly spells End of the World!

But … that word, Apocalypse got me thinking. Not about the horror that religious sects who bombard and surround us with it, but the thought that if the world was coming to an end, who would I spend my last hours with?

That’s one hell of a thought.

That’s one hell of a question!

Given that society; my teachers, mentors and friends, not to mention my parents have taught me through my life, I must feel compassion, empathy and have my emotional equipment in check at any press of the button! What prevents me from feeling crushed with obligation? Who do I spend those last precious hours of my life with?


And then the thought wended its way into my awareness.


Why do I need to spend my last hours on this plane with someone other than myself? I am totally comfortable with who I am. If I find a moment of silence I can live with that and I’d rather do that than try to fill the silent void with someone I don’t know very well.

If on the other hand I feel a need to spend those last precious hours clinging fast to someone, who maybe would dilute the expansion of my fertile imagination with all the ‘it’s okay. We’re in this together’ and ‘I’ll protect you,’ exercises, to alleviate the assumptions I’m making while the end is near; given I have no idea what to expect, except what I have been taught to imagine … then it would be futile … and I remain undecided.

Because unless I can truly feel in my heart of hearts that you’re the one I’d like to spend the rest of my final hours with, then I’d rather leave the void unfulfilled.

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Want to know the secret to knowing how to manifest?


Feel the security and the warmth in the air as the curtains of night lower ever so gently, enclosing your realm of the world in a soft illuminated darkness of secret longing.

Taste the sweet film of moisture on his skin as you rest your head upon his heart. Hear the gentle beat of his love under the rise and fall of his chest and as he reaches for your closeness, smell the nearness you’ve envisaged too often but never experienced … until now.

Until you’ve created the scene you want to experience; until you’ve felt every pulse; until you’ve tasted the salt, the sweet, the sour, the bland and the excitement, in your imagination, in vivid, Technicolour detail how can you expect to experience it in real life?

This is the recipe to manifesting your life of design.

You might just stumble upon a moment of the dream, indulge in but a second of it but it just isn’t what you truly wanted. It lacks the essence of what surely is and what will be once you’ve given it your undivided attention. The detail, the clarity, the desire and the emotion it deserves … it needs, it craves all of that.

I’ll explain here what I mean, what manifestation means.

You’ve seen him. You’ve spoken to him. You’ve known him in your dreams. But he remains elusive, unreachable whilst you remain disbelieving that you could ever find that perfect moment that would melt a thousand barriers and banish a thousand more ever erected to keep you apart.

It is a moment that would and will cement a heart with love forever more.

You must see it all. See every window. Every mirror. Every reflection, every thought. Every dream with clarity and desire and never ending detail.

Walk it. Talk it. Be it. Have it.

Therein is the secret to attracting your manifestation. It’s not going to drift toward you and just float into your lap. You’ve got to do your bit too and that bit belongs to how much you want it to occur.

It has been said many times by one man we know of well. His name is Napoleon Hill. He shared his wisdom in so many words, but in effect, he said if you want something badly enough, you’ve got to be prepared to turn the wheels of motion in order to receive it.

That means you are surely permitted to sit on your couch and wait for it to fall into your lap. Nobody is saying to you, you can’t do that. But when you do go sit down and wait, you’ll be waiting an awfully long time.

Get out and turn the wheels, walk through the doors opportunity throws open to you and watch how the Universe will answer your efforts with river boat wheels of Its own.

Walk it and talk it. Your words, your actions are the integral part of this game called manifestation. But there’s just one little, one giant essence of this entire recipe. It’s called Gratitude and it’s not meant to be expressed after the act but at the exact opposite; it is to be expressed before the manifestation.

Prior is the magical element of turbo charging your result.

Be appreciative, from your heart, with emotion, before whatever you desire has even begun to materialise and watch your appreciation take shape before your eyes in glorious, technicolour detail.

Be aware of your words. Not only within but also with out. Notice how you construct your sentences knowing that what you talk about, you bring about because what you talk about is associated with the thoughts you think about.

It’s not difficult but it won’t happen in an instant either. That is fact so don’t expect it. What does happen however is whilst you’re busy noticing what you say, how you say it, how you feel about saying it and what your heart is saying as you say it … and you’re listening to your heart, because you’re learning to be true to yourself,  (it’s okay, it becomes second nature in no time) eventually, you’ll notice how what you wished is now absolute, it does happen and it has.

It happens with such opalescent clarity you’ll be smiling, nodding and just knowing that you knew how to do it all the time.

I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a fulfilling, very Happy New Year. xo


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Think of an amazing life. It’s yours if you choose to focus upon it.

‘I’ve read your email and I hear what you’re saying and then some!’

I replied knowing full well that the original request, ‘please loan me some money to get me out of the sh*t’, was all it was going to take.

Firstly, bugger the delivery of the bed you need to return because your  friend (ex friend) wants it back because she’s sick of hearing you complain about life and it’s unfairness. Damn it, ask her to come and get it!

Secondly, yes, I can assist you with some money. But, what’s happening with your life? Are you still in the same dire straits as you were four years ago and what about your accommodation now, is that stable or are you going to be moving again?


I don’t give a rip if you’re not connected to the internet in your temporary rental home nor do I give a hoot about the fact that you want money to do that too.

You emailed me from an internet cafe what four years after we last spoke and you began with, I hate to do this, but …

Have you eaten? Has your son eaten? You say you’ve got cats. Have they eaten? You say you can’t pay the rent. You say you can’t pay for the other costs you’ve incurred whilst you complain that you’re down trodden.

You want to loan money for what? What’s the real reason? What do you really want to buy but really can’t afford yet because well, you’re not working, your ex has let you down and doesn’t pay maintenance but by jingo he can go on cruises and trips with his new wife.

You need to look at the real stuff first, before you connect on the internet. I know going to a cafe must be a pain in the arse, but we need to look at priorities.

You’ll be facing school fees again next year and you’ve both got to eat in the meantime. Oh, so your child is now heading to college? He’ll need a new uniform. He’ll need books. He’ll need … well he needs a proper bed to sleep in.

And you want to connect to the internet because it beats walking to the cafe just to send an email.

I am not reading anything else but how damn unfair it all is and I’m reading all this negative stuff. Your word tracks are filled with it. You need to turn all that around and the moment you do you’ll begin to notice a huge difference.

Each morning, just before you truly wake up, I want you to lie there quietly and find 5 things you’re grateful for. Your gratitude must come from the heart.

I want you to do this every day from now on. If you can’t seem to do it first thing, do it throughout the day. 5 things – it’s not difficult.

I want you also to do 2 random acts of kindness each day.

If you’re out and about, walking somewhere and you see a piece of rubbish, pick it up and put it in the bin.

If you’re at a checkout where someone is short of a dollar, give them one of yours.

Smile because you can and thank yourself for everything you achieve.

Pay it forward; if you’re on a highway and you have to pay a toll, pay the toll for the person behind you.

These are just examples of what you can do to bring your life up to speed. They’re suggestions not what you must or should do.

You see, the differences, once you feel grateful, will be an amazing improvement and it will all begin immediately. Every thought you think, every single one, is a reflection of where you are right now. Think different thoughts and you’ll notice a different lifestyle.

What your thoughts were have brought you to where you are. They are the result of your unsatisfactory lifestyle … nevertheless, it is the one only you created.

In the meantime, I’m going to send you a copy of my new eBook, How to be Amazing in Your Life to give you a hand. I want you to take notice of what you’re thinking and what you’re saying from now on.

It will mean the difference between desperation and living a life of design. Once you designed.

Let’s turn this whole thing around once and for all. You’ve been down there too damn long.

Reply: Hi. Here’s my paypal account details.

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Do you possess the ability to be cruel? It’s your Karma!

Do you possess the ability to be cruel? It’s your Karma!

How does an individual walk away from a self cultivated heinous situation with a clear conscious knowing that he’ll sleep very well tonight?

How does he blithely snuff out a life, slaughter a defenseless animal, causing unspeakable suffering and cruelty and then walk away as though nothing occurred?

cemented shut

Why does he think he deserves the right to live his own life without blemishes, without judgement, without adversity?

He’s in for a shock!

Unspeakable acts of cruelty, such as the ones depicted in these pictures, are just some of the results [sub-humans] who are far beyond deserving can achieve.

Their reprehensible acts of vindictiveness and malice, call it what you will, whether they like it or not, is written over them for the world to read.

But more than that, will they be prepared for the ‘eye for an eye’ Karma has in store for them?

These perpetrators, the scum of this planet deserve nothing more than to be cemented in their own aquarium, thrown from their own balcony, boiled alive in their own pot, kicked and beaten in their own back yard until then, only then they’ll ask why they were treated so brutally.

So until the time comes when the judicial system takes off its blinders, until the time comes when the next generation is taught that what we sow, we absolutely reap, that no-one can escape the unwritten law, Karma is a law unto itself I would happily sit by and watch it do its work. And I wouldn’t be alone.

It is only in the past few years that people like us, the kind hearted; wouldn’t-harm-a-fly types are finding their voices for those who don’t have one.


It is our aim and we’ll have what we request, to have people like those sub-human, low down, scum trade an eye for an eye.

Oh, and we won’t have to do it alone. Karma will help us.

You will always reap what you’ve sown. It is law.

Posted in absence, adversity, Animal Rights, battle, better times, choices, committed, desperate, emotion, equal proportion, failure, global woe, greed, how to get rid of them, insufficient, Karma, lack, life control, lifeline, live experience, manifest, material world, money, negative people, obsession, pain, people, personal experience, practice, prevention, problem, quit, reaction, reality, reap, reciprocate, Regret, remove, sow, struggle, unseen | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

How to emulate Fortunate People who make ‘Fortunate’ Happen.



If you believe that what you cannot physically see, hear or touch does not exist, then you deny yourself the abundance that awaits an arm’s length away. And it will remain out of reach while you insist there is no Universe and that miracles aren’t real.

All miracles are the voice of the Universe. This voice from the Unseen is a voice imbued with such powerful love that when you listen, specifically directs you in everything you do.

Miracles, when they occur will disentangle the past, give clarity to the present and reveal the future. And there is no order of difficulty in them. They are all pretty much the same size and no miracle is more difficult or larger than another. They are a natural expression of love which is the most powerful emotion in the Universe.

A miracle is never lost. Nor does it discriminate, select preference of colour, creed or race. It can touch people you have not even met and produce undreamed changes in situations of which you may not even be aware. With miracles comes gratitude in boundless quantities.

Those who express gratitude have abandoned their beliefs in deprivation in favour of the abundance they have learned belongs to them. Gratitude becomes their life. It becomes them as does their abundance.

They believe they deserve what they receive in their life. Their happiness, their peace of mind, their serenity, and their contentment is all due to their heartfelt gratitude. They know they are boundless and they truly believe they are blessed in all they do. And their faith pays very well.

Whatever you believe, whether it is something you were taught, something you heard or something you feel, it is your truth. Your truth is your own life reflection. What you think about you bring about … miracles and all.
When you want something, whatever it is, it becomes a goal. You must always have at least one that lives and breathes in your heart. Having drive to achieve it is not about an extraordinary force that only a selected few are fortunate to have been blessed with. Drive comes with knowing that you are a deserving being.
We all want to be happy. It is an innate wish, but wishing is not going to get us happiness, miracles or success, unless we take the necessary steps and keep walking until we have them.
You and I have the power of choice just as everyone else on this planet does. We choose to be fortunate. Fortunate people make ‘fortunate’ happen. It’s an inherent ability that all of us possess it’s just that some of us forgot how to use it.

I get to wonder why so many people are struggling to make even the barest ends meet. Why are so many lonely people populating streets all over the world where the down trodden walk? And why aren’t they pursuing their dreams? Most of them must surely have dreams yet it appears they have long since abandoned them.

If you’re on Lonely Street, in Stuckville, in Disadvantage Square or living in Desperate Town, it is never too late to feel grateful for the miracle of being alive. That you’re breathing, that you possess life, that you deserve to be, do and have anything you desire.

Being grateful is liberating. Believing in yourself is owning the fact that You can do whatever you set out to do; that You can be whoever you want to be and You can have whatever you want to have. You have the power to choose whatever it is and so long as you’re prepared to take steps toward your goal, you’ll meet face to face with the Universe and all the miracles that abound in your realm.

Posted in abundance, achieve, action, better times, choices, choose, clarity, constructive, desire, desperate, dream, dreams, effort, effortless, emotion, fulfilment, gratitude, guidance, illusion, inner self, limiting beliefs, love yourself, manifest, manifested abundance, money, people, personal experience, possible, prevention, progress, reachable, reap, satisfaction, steps, struggle, success, thank you, thankful, truth, Uncategorized, unique, Universe, unseen, want, wealth, worthiness, worthy, you deserve to be successful | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment